If you haven’t seen the movie Nefarious yet, you NEED to go see it this week. Don’t put it off any longer and go see this movie ASAP. We so infrequently get movies made with a Christian theological worldview that we need to support them when they arrive. This movie is downright excellent. It is a movie that will challenge, surprise and unsettle you, sometimes all at the same time.
This review will only speak in general terms about aspects of the movie so as not to give away any specific points of the movie. A more specific movie review and discussion will come out in a few weeks to go through some of the many items that can be brought up in discussion about the movie.
Get your butt to the theater for this movie. It is worthy of your support and if we want more movies made that are in line with the Christian worldview, we must show that there is a market and audience for this type of content.
So here goes: The movie is wonderful. It is gripping, powerful and disturbing all at the same time. It deals with very heavy topics. This is not a movie for children, it is rated R for a reason, but it is not gory or excessively violent. Older teenagers should be fine to see it and it might be a very good movie for them to see.
The acting in this movie is Oscar-worthy, and that is not embellishment. The range of acting for both of the main characters is fascinating to see. They will have you on a roller coaster throughout the movie.
The technical aspects of the movie are also top notch. The cinematography is Grade A. The lighting, pacing, look and feel are on point. This is not a cheesy movie made on the cheap that looks terrible, but exactly the opposite. It looks, sounds and feels like a big budget film even though the budget is small.
The pacing and score for the movie are really perfect. Nothing feels rushed and nothing feels too slow. The music and sound help set the scenes and give the correct tone for each scene.
I can’t recommend this movie enough. Everyone should go to see this movie, except young children and teenagers, and those who are very troubled by any level of violence. Those who are also tempted by things that discuss the demonic should also be warned. But everyone else should and must go see this film.
Is it in theaters?