Christianity IS Political! - Part II
Make sure to read Part I here first.
Every single priest in the world should read this passage from Ezekiel before every single Mass they offer. They should remind themselves that they are commanded by God to warn His flock of every sin they are committing and every evil in society that they could fall for, support or take part in.
Ezekiel 3:17 Mortal, I have made you a sentinel for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. 18 If I say to the wicked, “You shall surely die,” and you give them no warning, or speak to warn the wicked from their wicked way, in order to save their life, those wicked persons shall die for their iniquity; but their blood I will require at your hand. 19 But if you warn the wicked, and they do not turn from their wickedness, or from their wicked way, they shall die for their iniquity; but you will have saved your life. 20 Again, if the righteous turn from their righteousness and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before them, they shall die; because you have not warned them, they shall die for their sin, and their righteous deeds that they have done shall not be remembered; but their blood I will require at your hand. 21 If, however, you warn the righteous not to sin, and they do not sin, they shall surely live, because they took warning; and you will have saved your life.
Let’s tackle a very hot political topic right now, the trans issue. This is highly politicized and Christians are REQUIRED to oppose this evil and speak out against it. Silence is not an option. It is exceedingly cruel for society to lie to people who have a mental issue or illness, and tell them that they are something that they are not. Each one of us is created as either a boy or a girl by God Himself. God did not make a mistake and He did not place anyone in the wrong body. Claiming that someone is in the wrong body is a de facto claim that God has made a mistake and ergo cannot be God. The entire trans movement is an attack on God and mankind. It is demonic and from the pit of hell. Every Christian everywhere must fight this evil.
This is doubly true for all priests. There are people, especially young, confused impressionable teenagers and children, who are being told that they are a different gender and/or sex and that they need to start mutilating their bodies and pretend they are the opposite gender. These people are in your flock and in your pews. They NEED you to speak up about this and tell them they are being lied to by the culture. They NEED to be told that they are perfect just as God made them and they NEED to be told to get off the electronics where most of this evil is spreading. Pastors, you need to grow a backbone and confront this evil right now. Stop being afraid that some people might get upset. Of course some people will get upset. They got upset at God Himself when He spoke the truth. You WILL be hated by this world for preaching the truths of God. If you aren’t hated by this world, then you should know that you aren’t preaching the gospel loudly enough and you risk your own soul because of your cowardice.
Step up and protect these vulnerable people who are being preyed upon by our demonic culture. And tell your congregation that they CAN NOT support ANY politician or political party that supports the trans movement. This isn’t optional. This level of evil only exists because of weak men in the priesthood and society who have refused to fight it much earlier than now. But the battle must be waged and we as the Church Militant must fight for those who are being devoured by these demons.
The other topic I want to discuss in this post is about the doctrine of Subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is the doctrine that power, authority and responsibilities should reside at the lowest level of society possible so that society keeps in good order and that each level of society is functioning properly is its proper realms. The doctrine of subsidiarity, which all Christians must accept and abide by, states that:
79. As history abundantly proves, it is true that on account of changed conditions many things which were done by small associations in former times cannot be done now save by large associations. Still, that most weighty principle, which cannot be set aside or changed, remains fixed and unshaken in social philosophy: Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do. For every social activity ought of its very nature to furnish help to the members of the body social, and never destroy and absorb them.
80. The supreme authority of the State ought, therefore, to let subordinate groups handle matters and concerns of lesser importance, which would otherwise dissipate its efforts greatly. Thereby the State will more freely, powerfully, and effectively do all those things that belong to it alone because it alone can do them: directing, watching, urging, restraining, as occasion requires and necessity demands. Therefore, those in power should be sure that the more perfectly a graduated order is kept among the various associations, in observance of the principle of "subsidiary function," the stronger social authority and effectiveness will be the happier and more prosperous the condition of the State. (Encyclical from Pope Pius XI called Quadragesimo Anno written in 1931)
This isn’t optional. Authority and responsibility should reside at the lowest level possible, which starts at the family level, then to the community, then to the city/county level, then to the state level and finally at the federal level. The higher levels are forbidden to usurp the authority and responsibilities of the lower levels of society.
How does this apply to our politics? Well there are a multitude of programs at the federal level of the United States that Catholics are required to oppose, simply because they are at the federal level. Each state in the United States is a sovereign legal entity. It has legislative, executive and judicial powers that it rightfully holds. It is capable of wielding vast amounts of power and responsibility. This means that federal programs such as the Departments of Education, Labor, Housing & Urban Development and Health & Human Services are all violations of the Catholic doctrine of Subsidiarity. Each state is capable of handling these responsibilities (and each state in the US has a similar department already), so these responsibilities and authority must rest with each state or an even lower level. It is contrary to Catholic doctrine for the federal government to run these programs so they must be opposed. The same is true for retirement programs such as Social Security, which history has shown us that the states actually run their retirement plans much better than the federal government. All of these departments and programs can be run at the state level, and as such Catholics must oppose them at the federal level. Each of these departments and programs also violate the 9th and 10th Amendments to the US Constitution (but our country has not abided by the Constitution for over century anyway).
Catholics, especially those who are tied to a particular political party, but decide if they are Catholic first, or a political party member first. If you choose your political party over God and His Church, it will not end well for you.