Communists Don't Care About Hypocrisy
As Christina Pushaw has famously said, “It’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy”. The communists in the Democratic Party absolutely do NOT believe that everyone should be treated equally and they absolutely do NOT believe that all are created equal. Communists are atheists and they reject the concept that God exists and that He created every person. They reject the belief that each person has intrinsic value because God created them in His image. So since they reject these beliefs, they end up believing that they are special and above all other humans. The believe that they are allowed to do things that you are not. They are entitled to things that you are not.
That’s why they openly flaunted their own fascist dictates during covid. It didn’t matter to them that they were caught not wearing masks while they mandated you to wear them. They didn’t care that you were forced to be separated from your loved ones, especially those in nursing homes, while their relatives were treated preferentially and taken out of them before Democrats turned them into killing wards (by forcing covid-positive patients back into nursing homes(. They dared you to be upset at them when they were dining in restaurants, going to parties and birthdays, and taking trips to places without covid lockdowns. They knew the communists in the media would never call them on it and they knew that the sheep in this country will never say a word. They knew that you would roll over and placidly accept them as your overlords without uttering a peep. And you did.
Of COURSE Joe Biden was caught with confidential documents from his time as Vice President. And unlike the President, the Vice President has no authority to declassify documents. The President, by virtue of him just saying so, can declassify anything he wants. So if we were dealing with people who were American, the media would be hounding Biden relentlessly for the rank hypocrisy of sending his FBI and Justice Department after his political opponent for something that he is personally guilty of to a far greater extent. But Joe Biden, the FBI, Justice Department and the Democrats are not Americans. They are communists, so it’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy.
Trump had some classified documents from his time in office, which is true of every single President for the last century. It hasn’t been a problem and still isn’t one now. The communists tried to make it a problem because they hate Trump and wanted to prevent him from running for President again. That’s why they also staged a raid of his home and why they didn’t stage a raid of Biden. Biden is allowed to do whatever he wants because he’s a communist and Trump is not because he’s not a communist. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy.
We also know that the Justice Department, the FBI and various other government agencies all knew about this months ago, and they hid this information from the public. They did this to protect Democrats in the 2022 election. Stop being surprised by this. This is how communists behave. There is no double standard here, because communists don’t actually believe that you have any rights, except those that they grant to you. Communists don’t believe that each person has rights and value. You only have value if you serve the purpose of the communists and you only have rights when they say you do. This is the situation we are in and every American and every Catholic needs to wake up to it. The Democratic Party is full of communists and the Republican Party is full of communist sympathizers.
Every single government agency is infiltrated and run by communists. The vast bulk of bishops, priests and dioceses are infiltrated and run by communists and communist sympathizers. Almost every big company in America is infiltrated and run by communists and communist sympathizers. Virtually every media company, including FoxNews, is infiltrated and run by communists or communist sympathizers. This is the situation we are facing. We cannot ignore it and we cannot excuse it. We must fight it and be ready to bear our crosses when it comes for us.