This post is much more lighthearted and fun. Take it that way (except for the part about Happy Xmas/War Is Over)
Can we go ahead and fix the Christmas music rotation on radio and in the stores this season?!? Let’s get rid of certain songs and forget they were ever made and let’s bring back some great Christmas songs that should remain in steady rotation
Happy Xmas (War is Over) - This song isn’t a Christmas song. It’s an atheist piece of claptrap that is antithetical to everything about Christmas and the Christian faith. Claiming that war can simply be over by just wanting it to be over is nonsense and it’s leftover Boomer nostalgia from the awfulness of the 60’s and 70’s. Let’s go ahead and launch this song into the sun and never remember that it ever existed.
Last Christmas - This is just a sappy 80’s love song that originally was going to be called “Last Summer”. It would have been a milquetoast pop hit for George Michael and forgotten that it ever existed within 5 years. But he changed it from summer to Christmas, and now it has to be played approximately one billion times by every mall and shopping center in America. Bury this garbage and salt the earth where it is buried.
The Christmas Shoes - Talk about sappy and over the top. We’re trying to celebrate Christmas here and you want to give us a song about a boy’s mother dying?!?! Let’s just not.
Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Bruce Springsteen - Ugh. Where to start? Again more Boomer nonsense that just simply won’t go away and too many people are so nostalgic for prior years they won’t admit this version is awful.
Do They Know It’s Christmas - Please for the love of everything that is holy, let this song die an ugly and well-deserved death.
Santa Baby - You know it’s not a good song. It’s okay to admit it. Yes Eartha Kitt is great, but this song isn’t. Let it go.
Wonderful Christmastime - This song was a lazy cash grab from Paul McCartney and it was stunningly successful. It just keeps getting recycled despite no one actually liking the song. Let’s all of us melt down every recording of this junk and don’t even bother recycling it.
Now lest you think I was only going to look to destroy certain bad songs, I also offer up a few suggestions for songs that need more airtime. Let’s improve the Christmas playlist this year with some songs that never got their due or have been relegated to backburner status and need to be brought back
Christmas in Killarney by Bing Crosby - This is such a fun, spirited and lovely song that should never have been let go. It needs to be in regular Christmas rotation and should be a staple of the season.
Christmas Island by The Andrews Sisters - A lovely song with excellent melodies and voices. Truly a gem of a Christmas song.
Marshmallow World by Dean Martin - This song fell off in popularity for a while but has seen some amount of comeback. It combines the wonder of winter, Christmas and the innocence of youth all into one. It’s a fantastic song and deserves much more airtime.
All I Want for Christmas is You by Vince Vance & The Valiants - If you haven’t heard this song, do yourself the favor and listen. The vocals are astounding and it’s a great bluesy take on Christmas that you will want to keep listening to every year.
Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson - Lest you think I hate every recent Christmas song, the truth is I only hate 99.99% of them. But this song by Kelly is a fun, energetic song that will get your toes tapping and enjoying the season.
Let’s get this done people. We don’t have to suffer from terrible Christmas songs anymore! Let’s free ourselves and truly enjoy the Advent and Christmas seasons. Feel free in the comments to suggest other bad songs we need to feed to sharks and great songs that need to be brought back to our playlists!