Neil Degrasse Tyson is a Pathetic, Emasculated, Degenerate Liar & Gaslighter
Recently Neil Degrasse Tyson, who is a celebrity astrophysicist, was giving an interview where the subject of the covid jabs came up. In one portion of that discussion, Mr. Tyson decided that instead of admitting the truth about the jabs, he would lie his whole entire butt off and then begin gaslighting everyone on top of it. You can see that portion here.
Let’s roll piece by piece through this horrifically sinful verbal diarrhea from Mr. Tyson, and expose all of his lies and gaslighting:
Host: …if I can’t force you to get an abortion, you shouldn’t be able to force me to get the (jabs)…
Tyson: Because it’s not about you. It’s about people you interact with. And that’s the social contract of public health.
This short statement from Tyson contains not one giant lie, but two. First, there’s no social contract that requires one person to take a medicine, drug or therapy for the benefit of another person. To make this claim that you can require someone to take a vaccine violates the law of non-contradiction and cannot be true. If there is a vaccine that is actually effective at stopping a disease, then the other person or people are welcome to take it. If the vaccine works, then they have no fear from another person who does not take it. If the vaccine does not work, then you have no foundation to force someone to take it. In either case, you have no moral basis to force another person to take a medicine for the benefit of others.
The second giant lie from Mr. Tyson is that he is pretending that the covid jabs actually prevent people from catching covid and that the jabs prevent transmission of covid to others. Both of these implicit claims he is making are objectively false and complete lies. Mr. Tyson knows that the jabs do not stop infection and do not stop transmission, yet he is pretending here that they do. He knows he is lying.
(Side note: Neither one of these two mental giants even realize that the argument about your actions affecting the health of another completely shreds the entire basis for abortion. Getting an abortion affects the health of another 100% of the time.)
Host: We don’t even know if the vaccine worked or not at the time.
Tyson: Yes…THAT’S WHAT THE TRIALS ARE! DUDE! That’s why these trials…are you missing data out there?!?
This response from Mr. Tyson is both a lie and gaslighting. Trials for vaccines typically run for a minimum of 5-10 years. This is so that they can see both short-term and long-term effects on people. They also test the effectiveness of the vaccines to see if they even do the job they are supposed to do. The trials for the covid jabs lasted a few months at most. These trials didn’t even cover one winter flu season. Mr. Tyson is pretending that these trials were thorough and complete. They weren’t even close to being the bare minimum of testing that was needed before mass jabbing the entire populace.
This doesn’t even address the fact that the trials WERE WRONG. The trials claimed that the jabs were somewhere north of 95% effective at both preventing illness AND preventing transmission. This is objectively wrong so the trials WERE WRONG.
The gaslighting in this statement is when he asks the host if the host is missing data out there, when Mr. Tyson is the one who is ignoring the vast amount of data that we now have on the jabs that have been injected over the last two years. He is the one who is ignoring data, not the host.
Host: But let me ask you a question. Are we saying only one type of scientist are right?
Tyson: No, we’re saying that the system in place
Host: The 16,000 that signed the…
Tyson: No no no. The system in place to test vaccines…there’s an entire system that’s in place with review boards and all of this. That’s in place. Now what you can say is I have a better idea than all these review boards and all these agencies and the CDC, I have a better idea, here’s what you should do and that would have made everything better. Okay. You can put forth that idea. But what I’m saying is in a case where you can contaminate someone else, it’s not about you. It’s about the collective health.
This is the biggest lie and gaslighting that Mr. Tyson does in this interview. He’s a filthy, degenerate liar who is attempting to pretend that the covid fascists weren’t silencing ANYONE who dared to question the fascist-approved policies of lockdowns, masking, closing schools, covid jabs and using only Remdesivir for covid patients (which causes kidney and/or liver failure in many people). Those fascist-approved methods were the ONLY ideas that were allowed to be tried and anyone suggesting alternatives were immediately silenced, fired, punished and ridiculed.
When some doctors were using other treatments, including Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and were reporting very good results, these doctors were silenced and threatened with their medical licenses. Their careers were threatened and they were punished for even attempting alternatives to find solutions that worked. On top of that, the fascists then went on a campaign to discredit both of these drugs, which have been proved to be safe for humans for many decades. They claimed that Ivermectin was horse paste and slandered anyone who claimed it could be effective treatment for covid. The fascists brought all of their power and might to punish anyone who tried to speak up. Mr. Tyson knows this and is gaslighting everyone be pretending that people are free to offer other ideas. Even to THIS DAY, there STILL has not been even ONE study done in America to see if either of these drugs are effective against covid.
Host: You’re assuming because somebody can take the vaccine, won’t get covid, which by the way, I don’t need to play the clips for you to see it where everybody said: “Hey, if you take the vaccine, you’re not gonna get it. Rachel Maddow, Joe Biden, I can give you Fauci, I can give you fifty…you’ve seen these clips before, it’s not like you’ve never seen these before. They were wrong.
Tyson: Hold on. So………So………um……the…strain….evolved.
Mr. Tyson is caught flat footed here and is scrambling for any response at all. He knows that the host is absolutely correct, but if he tries to say he is wrong, the host will play the clips of people explicitly claiming the covid jabs would prevent infection and transmission. He knows the host is absolutely correct that these people were objectively wrong in their claims. He can’t respond that way, so he comes up with this pathetic, emasculated response.
Mr. Tyson knows he is lying because he’s trying to pretend that the Omicron variant was a natural evolution of the covid virus, when it has been shown that it is not. Mr. Tyson is also lying because he’s trying to pretend that we were unaware that viruses change, mutate and evolve constantly. That’s why there’s never been an effective flu shot, because the flu virus is constantly changing.
Mr. Tyson is a pathetic, emasculated, degenerate liar and gaslighter. He is an enemy of truth and an enemy of mankind. This should not surprise anyone because he’s an obstinate atheist who has made himself an enemy of God, who is truth itself. Always remember this whenever you hear of him or from him again.