It is way past time and long overdue for faithful Catholics to begin emulating St. Patrick by driving the snakes out of our homeland, which is the Catholic Church. The snakes that St. Patrick drove out of Ireland were the pagans and their false religion. This was not some simple task that was easy or peaceful. In fact, in one of his most pivotal spiritual battles with the druids, his prayers killed the druid high priest. This high priest, through the demonic power of this false religion, was elevated into the air in sight of the people. St. Patrick then knelt in prayer and this high priest was sent flying to his death into the rocks below.
The pagans that we face in our homeland are of a different breed than the druids that St. Patrick faced. Our current pagans pretend to be Christians and pretend to be working for Christ, but they are vicious snakes that are undermining and betraying Christ and His Church. And for those who are curious what this means, it means that many of the priests and bishops in the Catholic Church are actually pagans instead of Christian.
This isn’t hyperbole and it’s not figurative. Just recently a bishop in Brazil celebrated Mass with the Pachamama idol next to the altar. See Dr. Taylor Marshall’s video on this violation of the first commandment through worship of a pagan god. The Brazilian bishop doesn’t just have a pagan idol in the church next to the altar, he also says we need to listen to the earth, which is straight-up paganism and New Age spirituality. This is not Catholic and it is directly contrary to the Christian faith. It is a direct insult and rejection of God and His Church. We need to stop pretending it is anything other than this, and we need to stop pretending this bishop is uncommon among his fellow bishops. There’s not been one bishop who has called out this paganism, and we need to admit why they haven’t. Most bishops do not believe the Catholic faith and are not Christian. They are pagan, and we need to respond appropriately.
In this vein, I propose that we faithful Catholics go on the offense and use the resources and talents that God has blessed us with. God set us in authority over these talents with a responsibility to use them to spread the Gospel. We need to set up a fund, perhaps called St. Patrick’s Fund, and use those funds to purchase Church assets and buildings that the bishops will soon be forced to sell off because of the collapse of the Catholic faith in the West.
For example, the Loretto Chapel in New Mexico is the site of an actual miracle from St. Joseph when he visited the chapel and built a staircase there which defies the laws of physics in multiple ways even today. It is a blessing from God that should be in Catholic hands, but is now a nondenominational chapel which hosts and allows gay “weddings”. This should not happen. It should be in Catholic hands and preserved from such monstrous degeneracy.
Similar to this, with many dioceses in the West about to undergo radical shrinking over the next few decades, bishops will be forced to sell off many Church buildings including many parishes. If there was a Catholic fund, run by faithful Catholics, these sites could be purchased and preserved from desecration. They could also be used for private events, such a prayer services among only members of this group. Who knows, there could even be a few private Masses said at these private chapels. Those Masses might even be quite reverent Masses using ancient liturgy that should never and can never be abrogated. Just for fun, we could call these private clubs something catchy. What about calling them the Catacombs?
These private groups could control who they allow into their private events, and even some young men could serve at the doors to check that only members are allowed inside these private events. It’s time that we start taking the offensive on this spiritual battlefield and stop pretending that most of our bishops are Christian.
I'm willing. Several years ago I knew we had to forge a movement called CCD (Catholic Conscientious Dissenters). Contact this West Point Grad in Texas if the Holy Spirit moves you. jmjriz at g mail
God bless us all!