It is long past time for Catholics, and ESPECIALLY bishops and priests, to finally stand up to the fear-induced panic of the covid nonsense. Cowardice has become the defining trait of most bishops and priests in America. Our clergy have become absolutely terrified of catching the flu and view their own congregation, their own sheep, with disdain and fear.
Take off the masks. Everyone knows they don’t work and you’d have more luck carrying around a lucky rabbit’s foot rather than wearing a face diaper. Masks are gross and vile. They capture bacteria and dirt. Those who wear them are breathing in that bacteria and excess carbon dioxide continuously.
Masks do not stop or even slow down the spread of covid and never have. Anyone telling you they do is lying to you. They are a crutch for those who are afraid of their own mortality and a weapon to be used by the fascists among us. They should be thrown away permanently and people should go right back to their behavior that they had prior to covid. No one wore masks even during the worst cold and flu seasons. That’s because masks don’t work and never have against airborne viruses and bacteria. Science knew this truth even before covid and still knows it today.
Stop using sanitizer so much and definitely stop using them in the Mass! There is no Purellification Rite in the Mass and priests need to stop slathering it on prior to distributing Communion. It is plain disgusting to force the laity to smell and consume sanitizer from Communion Hosts. For two millennia people have received Communion without sanitizer and everything was fine, even through actual pandemics and much more dangerous diseases. Stop being afraid.
Bishops and priests need to have courage and warn their congregations about the dangers of the jabs. They also need to apologize for promoting these untested gene therapies and in some instances forcing mandates for these jabs on laity, employees and students. We are beginning to see far too many people who have “died suddenly” without any explanation for their deaths. Jab injuries are also starting to pile up. Priests need to become men again (or for the first time) and push back against this massive physical danger to their flocks.
The Catholic faithful also deserve to have clergy who can help them to find good information instead of the steady flow of sewage that we receive now that is called news. Take for example the recent injury to the NFL player Damar Hamlin. From the very beginning of his injury and almost death, the “news” about this has been complete propaganda. The tackle he was part of was a very normal football play that, while violent, was not exceptional at all by NFL standards.
Almost immediately, people recognized that this hit should not have caused him to almost die. People rightfully started questioning whether this traumatic incident was caused by the jabs. When they did so, the media and censors sprung into action and insulted anyone asking questions. They claimed it was a case of commotio cordis, which is a disruption of the heart rhythm caused by a violent blow to the chest directly over the heart.
There are multiple problems with this diagnosis. The first is that it is almost exclusive to young boys, who do not have fully formed bones and muscles which are the protection for their hearts. The second is that it most commonly happens in a sport like baseball where a hard projectile hits an unprotected chest. Damar Hamlin, on the other hand, is a full grown man with heavy pads on that protect his chest. He is also in incredible physical shape and works out continuously, so his chest muscles are well-formed and strong.
There are also other questions that are raised when you consider that Damar is in peak physical condition and he has been well-tested for any heart conditions in his NFL physicals. (NFL teams thrown away tens of millions of dollars on contracts to players who they haven’t thoroughly vetted, especially medically.) If he had a heart condition that was hidden or undiagnosed, they would have released that information by now. They haven’t, and the reason for that is because the real cause can’t be admitted.
One more problem with the claim it was the blow to the chest alone which cause this is that his lungs wouldn’t be damaged. Yet they have had him on breathing machines and oxygen for a week so far. It’s quite probable that the hit itself triggered the medical event, but there was a jab-related disease already there which was the actual cause of his collapse. Such a disease would explain why he still remains in the hospital and has been there for over a week. A medical emergency like commotio cordis happens to a heart that is healthy, but when the emergency is saved and the patient survives, the recuperation and return to normal are very quick. They also don’t have issues with their lungs and oxygen levels.
What would explain all of this is if Damar has extensive blood clots from the jabs which were undiagnosed. Such disease could show very little, if any, symptoms in him until the football hit. That hit could have dislodged a large clot and caused his heart to stop. Clots would also explain why he had breathing issues and so many problems with his oxygen levels and why he had to remain on a breathing tube for several days. It would also explain why he had to be monitored for so long in the hospital while they gave him medicines to try and deal with the clots and why he couldn’t fly home for quite a while.
It is right and correct for people to immediately question every time we see someone struck down in their youth or succumb suddenly to disease. We should automatically ask if a person who “dies suddenly” had received any jabs. In fact, with three straight years of every level of government, science, health experts and media lying to the public about covid, it should be assumed the jabs are the problem until we receive verified proof that it is not. Our leaders and medical professionals have thrown away their credibility and honesty, so they are deserving of exactly zero respect or benefit of the doubt. Our bishops and priests should be working overtime to bring the truth to the faithful, and that includes the truth about covid, masks, sanitizer, and especially the jabs. It is far past time for our priests and bishops to “BE NOT AFRAID” as Our Lord commanded of His disciples.
Amen and well said.