Ten Commandments of Parenting in 2023
Love is a verb, not an emotion. You may have warm and fuzzy feelings for your children, but if you aren’t performing the sacrificial acts of care for your children listed below, you don’t love your children because you aren’t acting on your love for them. Love requires action and is an act of the will. You must work to provide the loving acts for your children to raise them properly spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. The vast majority of parents today do not love their children because they don’t perform the acts of love that are required of parents and their children have a right to receive.
These are not an exhaustive list of parental requirements, but the biggest hot button issues that almost all parents today are failing at or aren’t even trying to perform.
Get right with God, and bring your children with you: This is absolutely the first parental commandment because it addresses the very first commandment of God. Get yourself to Church, and you need to attend every single week without excuse (other than illness, weather, etc). Don’t tell me you love your children if you aren’t raising them to know God and teaching them that the purpose of their life is to know, love and serve God in this life and to be with Him in the next life.
Pray with your children: Pray the rosary with your family every single day. Your children need to see you making prayer a priority and Dad needs to lead the rosary. If the children see that Dad is serious about his faith, they will take it seriously. The father is the bishop of the home and has spiritual authority over the family. Time for Dad to step up into the role God created for him.
Eat dinner together, at least once a week: Sitting down together to eat a meal together is so fundamental to human bonding that it simply cannot be overstated. At least once a week, sit down together and spend time just having a meal as a family. (Friends joining in is fine) Eat, drink (in moderation) and share some laughs. Make time for your family together for the simple pleasures in life, without distractions. No cell phones or electronics during dinner. Turn them off. Which leads nicely into…
Turn off the electronics: Set a limit for electronics and screen time for your children AND YOURSELF. The addiction to phones and electronics must end. Set screen limits of about two hours max and stand by it, even for yourself. Electronics can be fun, but always in strict moderation. Also, do not let your children on TikTok or Snapchat. Those apps are just wildly immoral and abuse children at incredible rates. And every other app must be monitored as well. If they have an Instragram or other app, have their profile set up and logged in on your phone as well. Do not let the wolves in the sewer of the internet to have unguarded access to your children. You do not love your children if you allow this.
Send your children outside to play: Along with commandment 4, this goes along with it. Send your children outside to play. Depending on their age, your monitoring of them needs to gradually wane as they get older. Take your young children to the park and playground. Let your older children play outside by themselves. These activities are free and good for your children. They get fresh air, exercise and their brains switch from passive mode (electronics) to active mode (play). Don’t rescue them either. At first they will complain that they are bored outside, but make them stay out there for a good while. They will be fine and the boredom will drive them to start being creative and find activities to do and friends to do them with.
Become active in monitoring their school and schoolwork: Know who your teachers are and what they are teaching your kids. Every single week we see another story about a degenerate from the LMNOP Mafia who are grooming children in the classroom. Know who is teaching your children and what’s going on in the classroom. Command 3 can help with providing a good time to have these discussions. Also be realistic about your kid. If the teacher says your kid was misbehaving, there’s a 99% chance they were and you need to stop attacking the teacher for trying to get your child to behave or do their homework. If the teacher is indoctrinating them, then examine and question the teacher, but otherwise assume it’s just your kid acting up in school or refusing to do their homework.
More reading: Take your child to the library and get them reading more books. This again is another free activity and it is one that will strengthen their mind and help to reduce screen time. Introduce them to the classics of literature so they are actually educated and have a good grasp on the world through literature.
Limit the sports teams & leagues: Too many parents make a false idol out of sports and sports leagues. They have their kid practicing 4-6 days a week and playing multiple games every weekend. They are also traveling to competitions once a month or so. This is nuts and ridiculous. This is teaching your child that sports is the most important thing in their lives, even more important than God, family, school and friends. Sports is less important than all four of those things. Sports needs to be in moderation and it is not in any way, shape or form in moderation today. Practice for a sport should be twice a week for a couple hours and then a game on Saturday. That’s it. If a coach or league wants practice every day and your entire weekend consumed by games, then turn it down. Stop bowing down to this idol. Too many parents make this the identity for their child and themselves, and it needs to stop.
Stop excusing your kid’s bad behavior: As with commandment 6 above, stop lying to yourself about your kid. Your kid is not an angel. They have good traits and bad traits. They act up and misbehave at least some of the time. Be honest about it because your children have a right to discipline from their parents. And parents have a moral duty to instill discipline in their children and enforce that discipline with appropriate punishment when the child disobeys. If a parent tells you that your precious angel did something wrong, there is a 99% chance that your child actually did it. It used to be that kids were afraid of another adult telling their parents that they did something wrong, because Mom and Dad would punish them severely for acting a fool, especially in public. Today parents will yell at the adult for informing them that their child just committed a bad action. It’s way past time to correct this nonsense from parents. Which leads directly into…
Set a moral code: This is absolutely vital. Children today are being raised by YouTube and TikTok instead of by their parents. They are not being taught about God and the purpose for their lives. They are given no moral framework at all and are surrounded in a culture of degeneracy and filth. It’s not a surprise then that kids today are engaging in behaviors that would have been shocking to see from people in their 20’s a generation ago. Kids in middle school are having sex, doing drugs, backtalking and hitting teachers and committing felonies. They are creating Instagram & Snapchat accounts where they post photos that are wildly sexual and inappropriate. This is not high schoolers, but middle school. They are sending nudes and engaging in wildly horrific behavior because they have no moral code at all. And that’s because Mom and Dad haven’t given them one and enforced it. Make no mistake about this, it is not just the kids in the worst neighborhoods who are behaving this way. Girls even from wealthy and upper class areas are regularly getting high and have body counts in the double digits. It’s not a surprise then that we are seeing huge numbers of kids today who think they are part of the LMNOP crowd and a growing number of kids, especially girls, who think they are trans. These kids aren’t trans and they aren’t LMNOP. They are children who have parents who are scrolling on Facebook and don’t spend any time with them, so these kids are being raised by Hollywood and the sexual groomers in Big Tech.
Parents, this isn’t optional. You MUST start doing each and every one of these parental commandments. They are not optional. It’s time to put down your phones and start being a parent.
You do not love your child if you are not actively doing those sacrificial actions which are acts of love towards your kids.