We are long past the time when Catholics should have been standing up in the Church and in society, and fighting back against the multiple attacks on the family that have been ongoing for decades now. As we can now see with the ridiculous trans issue that exploded over the last few years, this is demonically driven and it is a moral obligation of every Catholic to fight it. Here is a quick breakdown of the issues involved in our culture related to the family and sex that need addressing and what the truth of each matter is.
The Church Militant must step up today and start fighting back, and we need to be clear that ONLY the Catholic understanding on these issues is correct. Some Protestant sects may have some issues correct, but only the Catholic Church possesses the entire truth, because only the Catholic Church is the Church Jesus built.
First things first. Marriage is between one man and one woman, period. This is not up for debate. Those who want to argue against this truth don’t even understand what marriage is and cannot define it without making self-refuting definitions based on nothing but personal opinion. If you want to have fun, ask someone who asserts that homosexuals can marry to precisely define WHAT marriage is. For them, it is nothing more than the possibly lifetime (but more likely temporary) contract between two (or maybe more) people for certain sexual acts and some benefits in housing, taxes and finances. But this is not correct at all.
So what is marriage? Marriage is a covenant between one man, one woman and God, to bind them for the entirety of their lives to each other so they can birth and raise children in a loving and godly home. Having and raising children is intrinsic to and one of the purposes of marriage.
Malachi 2:15 … And what does the one God desire? Godly offspring. So look to yourselves, and do not let anyone be faithless to the wife of his youth.
Our current culture, which is flooded with contraception and abortion, views children as a burden and curse, when they are the opposite. Society has completely divorced marriage and children so thoroughly that people are not even aware that this is the focus of marriage.
Marriage is also a sacrament of God, when both spouses are baptized. Just as the other six sacraments convey God’s grace to mankind, the sacrament of marriage does as well. This is why it is vitally important to go to confession regularly, so that the grace from this sacrament and the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation continue to flow to us throughout our lives. Mortal sin severs these channels of grace to our souls and only Confession repairs this destruction and allows the graces to flow again.
Once we understand what marriage is, we can then turn our attention to things like homosexual “marriage” and clearly see why it is utterly false and ridiculous on its face. For want of a better analogy, the plumbing is just all wrong. In technical terms, homosexuals do not have sex as they cannot have sex. They have either sodomy (gays) or masturbation (lesbians). They do not have sex through the sex organs that are designed by God Himself to operate together for a higher purpose. We call them the “reproductive organs” without even realizing that reproducing is their FUNCTION. That is the PURPOSE of our sex organs. The design and function of human sex organs points to the act of reproducing another human being.
We also see it in the very name of marriage, Holy Matrimony. Matrimony means literally to “make a mother” (the Latin word mātrimōnium "wedlock, marriage", from mātrem, nominative māter, “mother”). Everyone from all societies and cultures in all times understood that marriage is ordered towards the making and raising of children up until about five minutes ago.
Homosexual “marriage” is not marriage. It is ontologically impossible for two men or two women to join together and produce a child. They cannot even use their reproductive organs in the manner they were designed.
The family is the foundational building block of society and the “Enlightenment Era” idea of the individual being the foundation of society is utterly wrong. It infected the Protestant mindset and even infected the founding documents of America. People today only care about what they are allowed to get away with and how they can avoid all responsibility of any kind. Individualism and the “Enlightenment” focused on the license to sin instead of the liberty to be moral. Freedom in a Christian view is the freedom to choose the good, not license to commit sin. Individualism preaches that a person can do whatever they want and owe no responsibility to others or their family. We need to recapture the Christian truth that the family unit is the foundation of society and civilization.
Children have a right to their mom and dad. This statement is so simple, yet so profound, that our entire culture rejects it out of hand and hates it with a passion. Incapsulated in that one sentence is a rejection of, and defeat of, the entire abortion argument and also the entire homosexual “marriage” argument.
Sad situations do not mean all of society is reordered and rearranged. Of course there are marriages that are infertile. Of course there are marriages that end badly or are abusive. Of course there are families where one or both parents have died prematurely. None of those situations mean that the foundation of society, the family, is thrown out and replaced with all manner of “families” instead. There is an old maxim that says that hard cases make bad law. Difficult situations and hard circumstances do not make the standard for how society is ordered.
Children need to be raised by real parents. Men are the only ones who can be fathers, and they cannot be mothers, no matter how much society pretends that they can. Women are the only ones who can be mothers and they cannot be fathers, no matter how much society pretends that they can be. Society today tries, and fails, to deny the differences between men and women. Society tries, and fails, to pretend that men can become women and vice versa. Society tries, and fails, to pretend that a person can be born into the wrong body and that sex and gender are not the same thing.
Parents today have totally checked out and don’t even pretend to try and uphold their duty and responsibility to their children. Parents owe to their children the obligation to raise their children with a knowledge of God and His moral law. They owe to their children a duty to baptize them and bring them up in the Church. They must educate them on the Christian faith and assist them in growing into holy Christian adults. Parents today don’t even bother to try to perform these responsibilities. They instead hand their children multiple electronic devices and then proceed to ignore their children for the rest of their lives, except when they want to take a photo for social media and pretend they love their children.
Couples are supposed to raise a family, grow old and then be taken care of by their children and grandchildren when they can no longer take care of themselves. This is what God wills for mankind. God hates divorce. He literally says so, explicitly.
Malachi 2:16 For I hate divorce, says the Lord, the God of Israel
Protestants don’t even pretend to hate divorce now, which is not surprising since divorce was the original cause for Henry VIII to lead his entire country out of the Church Jesus built. It’s also not surprising that the other Protestant leaders, such as Luther and Calvin, almost immediately started attacking the sacrament of marriage once they left the Church Jesus built. This is why almost all Protestant sects don’t care even a little bit about divorce. The attack on the family started from the very beginning of the Protestant Revolt.
Protestants claim to hold to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, yet here are the very words of Christ on the matter of divorce:
Matthew 19:3 Some Pharisees came to him, and to test him they asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?” 4 He answered, “Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” 7 They said to him, “Why then did Moses command us to give a certificate of dismissal and to divorce her?” 8 He said to them, “It was because you were so hard-hearted that Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity, and marries another commits adultery.”
The breaking of marriage vows has always been hated by God and it leads to mortal sin and a severing of your relationship with God. In Malachi it even says that the offerings given by those who have divorced their wives are no longer accepted and acceptable to God.
Malachi 2:13 And this you do as well: You cover the Lord’s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor at your hand. 14 You ask, “Why does he not?” Because the Lord was a witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant.
The final topic in this post is about the newest fad called the trans movement. The entire movement is a lie and call God Himself a liar. God created each and every single person who has ever lived. The trans movement claims that God made an error and placed man’s brain/soul/person into the body of a woman, or vice versa. This is a complete rejection of God and His creation. It is nothing but a lie and to even go along with any part of this lie is a mortal sin. Using the wrong pronouns is a form of lying and Christians cannot participate in this lie. It must be utterly rejected. Some Christians believe that we can placate these preferences while trying to convince the person to come back to God, but lying to hopefully convert someone means you are trying to convert them to a lie instead of the Gospel of Christ.
This also goes the same for any claims of someone who says they are non-binary, intergender, third gender, genderfluid or some other new invention that has been created in the last five minutes. All of this is a lie as well. The trans movement claims that gender and sex are different things and this is false. Humans have a sex that is objective and determined by God who designed it with genetics and DNA. Gender is related to language. Sex and gender are exactly the same thing for people and anyone saying otherwise is lying. Christians cannot participate in this lie either.
We cannot fix a problem that we refuse to accept and diagnose. You cannot fix a broken leg while pretending it is nothing but a hangnail. You must be honest about the problem and be willing to tell the truth. You cannot be a follower of Him who is truth itself, while lying at the same time. You cannot be in communion with God while accepting and promoting lies. Reject these errors of modernity and embrace the truth of Catholicism.
John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.