One of the small, but possibly very consequential things that happened on Election Night on Tuesday, was the death of the Old Media. For so long they were the self-declared guardians of the truth and anyone who disagreed with them was a raving conspiracy theorist who was disconnected from reality. Slowly over time the American public has become more and more aware of just how dishonest and biased the Old Media has been for decades.
This has truly started reaching a critical mass because the lies and deception have been blatantly obvious, especially over the last few years. During the recent p*ndem!c where every conspiracy theory was eventually proven true, many Americans have lost all trust they may have still had in the Old Media. Their dishonesty was just too rampant and too blatant to ignore any longer.
Well during Election Night, the Old Media was steadfastly refusing to call multiple states for Trump when it was glaringly obvious that he had won them. They didn’t want to call these states because if they did, then they would have to admit that Trump had won. They were also holding up and waiting for a miracle of yet another delivery of 3AM ballots at every swing state where Trump was leading. They were hoping for a repeat of the steal from 2020 that was not happening.
This refusal by the Old Media to admit the obvious went on for a couple of hours. It became comical on a certain level and as it kept getting later, it was also obvious that they were attempting to run out the clock to deny Trump the opportunity to deliver his victory speech. Thankfully this was when President-Elect Trump decided to deliver a fatal blow to the Old Media that they didn’t know was coming.
Trump decided to give his victory speech and didn’t care that the Old Media refused to declare him the winner. He showed that they had no more power and control over the truth. He himself would declare what was true and then dared the Old Media to deny it. So he went on stage to deliver his victory speech.
Well as he went on stage, all of the networks were forced to carry it. They were forced to carry him declaring victory even while they had not declared him victorious. They were caught flat-footed and were forced to carry Trump saying he was the 47th President even while the Old Media still showed the election as undecided. All of the Old Media showed on their chyrons that Trump only had 265 or 266 electoral votes when 270 were needed to win. Throughout his speech, they couldn’t rebut his claim and his speech was showing the viewers that the networks were refusing to tell the truth. Here are some screengrabs of some of the Old Media:
It was hysterical that the Old Media were caught with their pants down and there was nothing they could do about it. Once his victory speech had ended, all the Old Media were left with a decision. They could either deny that he had won, which would make them look like fools because they knew he had won. Or they could finally admit the truth and show all their viewers that they were withholding the truth.
Eventually all of the Old Media decided to go with option 2. But instead of coming clean about their deception, they decided to discuss the victory speech itself in great detail for quite a while. They didn’t talk about his claim to victory, but instead focused on minutia in the speech. Once they did that, they thought that enough time had elapsed and they finally admitted that Trump had won.
Trump not only defeated the fascist Biden Regime and defeated the communist Kalama, but he also delivered a fatal deathblow to the Old Media by showing that they are not the ones who determine the truth.
Great summation of the end era. Now who will begin “truthful” journalism? Tucker Carlson has delivered amazing content. 🙏 for those brave souls who join him.
It has been years since I cared about the mainstream media and the so-called coverage of "news." I would ask folks if they really believed what was being said. Most just shrugged their shoulders and said nothing. I believe the strangle hold they had over the collective mind of our country gave the impression that if one were to disagree with them then that one would be ridiculed and considered stupid. Thank God that hold is at last broken! Perhaps now the truth can be told.