If you haven’t seen the video, recently the European Figure Skating Championships were held in Finland and during the opening ceremony there was a “trans” figure skater who was the center of attention for the whole world to witness. The video is hilarious and silly because the dude pretending that he’s woman simply cannot skate. His portion of the opening ceremony is less than a minute and he can’t even stay on his feet for that long on the ice.
The guy LARPing as a woman tries to skate, ends up falling and laughably can’t even get himself upright again. He needs the help of another skater to help him back on his skates. It’s cosmically hilarious and should be extensive fodder for Catholics and those with any moral backbone at all to mock extensively. This needs to be a running gag and a continuous source of hysterical gifs to mock our demonic culture.
But one thing that some people are getting wrong about this sham and mockery of women is they think the organizers didn’t know this guy can’t skate. That’s patently wrong. They KNEW he couldn’t skate and they STILL put him in their opening ceremony and willfully broadcast him to the world. The media and broadcast network knew as well.
Before any large event like this, there are many days of training, practice and run-throughs so that when the event actually happens, everything is smooth and the final product looks polished. The organizers watched dozens of practices of the opening ceremony and saw time and again that this guy could not skate. The broadcasters are also at these practices so they can make sure their cameras are working, and they have the best angles for showing the even on TV. They also saw he couldn’t skate. They didn’t care, because that wasn’t the point. The point was to force you to watch the Emperor parade through the town in his new clothes.
The degenerates in charge of our culture count on you to be “nice” and polite while they force you to accept their degeneracy and eventually praise it. They are counting on the civility of Christians to not be like they are and not intentionally start a fight every single day. Except Christians are becoming more and more red-pilled on what’s going on and that this attack on God, His Church and mankind must be confronted. So the proper response to this attack from the heathens is to mock it mercilessly. Do NOT be “nice”. Niceness is NOT a Christian virtue.
All Christian virtues must and do flow through the truth. Without truth, there is no virtue. The Christian virtue of charity is rooted and founded in the truth. Niceness is not charity and not a Christian virtue. It’s time to stop being nice. It’s time to go on the offensive against these filthy enemies of Christ.
Mock these people without mercy. Humiliate them when they try to force this filth on our culture and make everyone pretend that the Emperor isn’t naked. Call it out every chance you get and laugh uncontrollably at their nakedness and stupidity. Mock them!
It’s almost as if, including this guy who is pretending to be a skater in the event is a purposeful attack on the trans movement. I know it’s not that, But it perfectly mirrors the false reality of transgenderism. Someone who is not a skater, who is a terrible skater, who clearly looks physically ridiculous (frumpy and middle aged with terrible makeup and glasses) is presented as completely appropriate to be included in this event. This is an analogy for any man who decides to “change” his gender with clothing, hormone therapy and surgery. He is false, hideous and a laughing stock. He will be imperfect in form and function and will never attain the perfection of a female.