One of the worst things you can do in life is to deny reality. A sinner cannot repent if he refuses to admit that he’s a sinner. Parents cannot raise good children if they refuse to admit their children are flawed humans rather than angels. Injustices cannot be corrected if society refuses to admit an injustice has occurred. Our modern society is at war with reality itself and sadly many people who claim to be on the right are also part of the army fighting against reality.
Many who claim to be conservative, or at least leaning to the right, simply refuse to accept the new reality that we face today. Rather instead they keep trying to pretend that America is still existing in 1985. They’re pretending that everyone on both sides of the political aisle are good-natured, God-fearing Americans who just have differences in political policies and tax rates. This is true at all. The truth is that it is not 1985 anymore and our enemies are NOT good natured nor God-fearing. They are also not Americans either (more on that later).
During the American Revolution, the British army engaged in the warfare and rules of engagement that had dominated Europe for several centuries. These rules of engagement, like orderly lines of soldiers fighting in open fields, were effective for their time and also led to the rise of the worldwide British Empire. The American army at first abided by these rules of engagement. Quite predictably they were getting wiped out at the start of the war. Thankfully they recognized that they were going to lose and recognized the battlefields they were fighting on. So they changed tactics to fit the battlefield and their situation as the weaker army. They switched to more guerilla-style fighting and surprise attacks. The British never adjusted to the new rules of engagement on the battlefield and lost to a weaker opponent. We are making the same mistake the British made, and our spiritual battle is much more important and consequential.
Here are some truths and realities of our current culture, society and politics that you need to accept. You need to accept these truths as the reality of the battlefield we are standing on. Pretending you are standing on another battlefield and the old rules of engagement are still in effect is how we will lose the spiritual war we are fighting.
Democrats are putting Republicans in prison with communist show trials.
The trials of the January 6th defendants have been breathtaking in their downright evil and immoral violation of these people. They have been denied access to exculpatory evidence. They have been held in solitary confinement and had their 8th Amendment rights violated. The trials themselves have been replicas of the show trials from the Reign of Terror and the Soviet Union. They were judged guilty before the trials even began. Once convicted, they have been given wildly excessive punishments and jail time. This not an accident. This is a message and a threat to all Americans.Violent Democrats are not being charged or are given extremely light punishments.
At the same time that the January 6th defendants are being abused, the violent communists in Antifa and BLM have been given a pass. These two groups burned down several major American cities, killed dozens of people, and caused hundreds of millions in damage. Yet very few of them have ever been charged, and those that have been convicted have gotten a slap on the wrist.
For example, an Antifa member, posing as a security guard, shot a Trump supporter in the face in broad daylight on camera, and had his charges dropped by the Democrat DA.
There was also the Democrat who murdered a Republican teenager by running over him with his vehicle. He was given a plea deal for manslaughter rather than second degree murder. He was given only five years for his murder.
There a hundreds and hundreds more instances like this.Democrats in the federal agencies are running entrapment plots against Republicans and Conservatives
Look at the supposed attempted kidnapping of Michigan Governor Whitmer that happened just a couple of years ago. The “plot” to kidnap Governor Whitmer was entirely run by the feds. It was funded by the feds and almost half of the group accused were federal informants. They had to repeatedly push and push these men to be a part of the plot. When that wasn’t working, they offered them money and gifts to be a part of this plot. It was a complete hoax that was run entirely by the feds.
Just wait till you find out the entire story about January 6th…Democrats are attempting to put the former President on trial for questioning a blatantly corrupt election
What type of government attempts to put its political opponents into jail so they cannot run for office? Answer: A communist banana republic
To truly see how ridiculous the charges against President Trump have become, take for example that they have include TWEETS the President made as evidence of a CONSPIRACY charge! This is not hyperbole. They literally included, as evidence, a tweet from Trump that read “Georgia hearings now on ONN. Amazing!” Yes you read that right. A tweet about a hearing being broadcast on a cable network is “evidence” of a conspiracy.
You have to understand that facts and truth do not matter to Democrats. (But more on that later.)Most Republican politicians are either cowards or backstabbers.
Traitors are worse than enemies. They claim to be a friend, but when you need them they stab you in the back. Most Republican politicians fall into this category. The only reason we are in the situation we see today is because Democrats are not afraid of consequences for their actions. And the reason they are not afraid is because they know that the vast majority of Republicans are traitors to Americans. They simply will NOT stand up and fight for them, but will instead undermine America. Traitors are worse enemies than those who are openly your enemy.
Few, if any, of these traitorous Republicans will be voted out of office in 2024.Democrats do not care about being called a hypocrite.
One of the most emasculated things the Republicans and Conservatives do today is try to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats. Yes, Democrats SHOULD care about being a hypocrite. But they DON’T.
To care about being called a hypocrite, you first have to claim to have principles and morals. Democrats don’t have either. They belong to a religion where their god is the State. Whatever enables them to gather more power for themselves and the State is allowed in their religion. They can lie, cheat, steal, betray and even murder you. Nothing is off the table because they have no morals. So accusing them of hypocrisy is impotent whining.
Stop trying to point out their hypocrisy and start punishing them politically.Democrats are openly ignoring and excusing breathtaking corruption from every level of government, including the White House, and they’re daring you to challenge them on it.
Related to numbers 5 & 6, the Democrats are openly daring anyone to do anything about their complete and blatant corruption. We literally have proof of the Biden Crime Family receiving tens of millions in bribes from various governments and businesses. They are not even trying to deny it anymore. That’s because the Republicans will do nothing and the American public will also do nothing about it. There will be no consequences politically or at the ballot box.We just experienced a fascist nightmare for three years because of fear of a virus with an incredibly low mortality rate.
We know that our own government funded the creation of this virus. We know that our government bribed their own analysts to deny the theory about how the virus came from the lab. We know that safe drugs that were very effective against this virus were demonized and doctors were threatened with ending their careers if they prescribed it. We know that the jabs they pushed and keep pushing do not work and they are still harming people in dramatic ways. We know the estimates for those who could have been saved from the virus are as high as 85-90% of those who died.
And not one person has been punished for these crimes against humanity, which means it will happen again.Federal agencies worked to violate the right of free speech for all Americans through force, threats and coercion of social media companies.
There is a court case right now called Missouri v Biden which is making its way through the courts. It deals with the federal government violating the free speech rights of all Americans by force, threats and coercion of social media companies. The federal government wanted, and successfully got, the suppression of certain views because those views contradicted the narrative that Democrats were pushing about the jabs and the recent corrupt elections.
While this case may have some political effect on offering some protections for Americans, not one person in the Biden Administration will be punished or arrested for this violation of our rights. So they will do it again.Democrats aren’t Americans
This one might be the hardest truth to accept for many people. Especially those who remember a happier time in America when most people still loved this country. But those days of past do not exist today.
America is the first country in the world that was founded upon principles rather than territory. American wasn’t founded because it was on this continent, but rather it was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Republicans and Conservatives need to accept the fact that Democrats do NOT accept these principles and they do NOT believe in them. They reject these beliefs. As stated above, they belong to the religion of Leftism and their god is the State. They reject God. They reject the rights that God has granted to mankind. They do NOT believe what all Americans believe. Accept this truth: Democrats are enemies of God, mankind, civilization and America. Do not look away or run from this truth.
So in summary, this is the battlefield that we are standing on. It is NOT primarily a political battlefield. It is a spiritual one instead. Some of the battles will be waged in the arena of politics, but they are still spiritual battles. We need to accept this reality and act accordingly.
The first thing you must do is get yourself right with God. Repent of your own evil and cowardice. Confess your sins and turn away from them. Rectify the evil in your own life first and only then can you be an effective warrior for Christ on this spiritual battlefield. You must pray and pick up your cross every day. This isn’t optional. You must then work on the areas of life that you can have effect on. Encourage your family and friends to turn back to God as well. And then we need to punish our enemies politically using our spiritual and political tools at our disposal.
Thank you and God bless you. I’m passing this clear, concise and well written work on ASAP.
Preach on, brother!
See also this article