Who Has The Secondary Doctrines?
Any time that you point out to Protestants that there’s very little agreement among them about the doctrines and beliefs they hold between the various churches and sects, the most common response from them is that they are united in the “essentials” of the Christian faith. They explain that they are unanimous in their agreement among all the necessary or required doctrines of the faith.
Now the first problem with this claim is that there’s no agreement on what doctrines are “essential”. When you ask them for the entire and complete list of all these essential doctrines, they never can produce it. Every single church and sect has a different list of “essential” doctrines.
The second problem with this claim is their list of “essential” doctrines is not in Scripture. It’s entirely their own opinion. Scripture doesn’t tell us what beliefs about Christ are required and which are optional. (Funny enough, I don’t seem to recall ANY beliefs or doctrines about God that are called optional in the Bible.) Protestants claim to abide by the doctrine of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) but when you ask them about essential and non-essential doctrines, it doesn’t come from Scripture.
The third problem with this claim, and the big focus of this post, is where can a person find the correct secondary doctrines? While Protestants claim these doctrines are optional and non-essential, that doesn’t change the fact that there actually IS exactly ONE correct and Christian doctrine on each topic. So who has these correct secondary/non-essential doctrines?
I don’t know about you, but I want the full, entire, complete and error-free Christian faith. I want exactly ZERO errors in my beliefs and doctrines. I want ALL of the Christian faith and I want NO errors or heresies in my beliefs. I want to know Christ as best as I can. I want to be united to God and believe exactly what He wants me to believe. Actions are determined by beliefs and believing false things about God can have dramatic effects on our actions. I want my actions to be perfectly in line with what God wants. I don’t want to spend my life believing falsehoods about Christ or His New Covenant.
So where can a person go to get the full and complete set of error-free secondary doctrines? Ask any Protestant to point out to you which ONE Protestant sect or church has the perfect and complete Christian faith and they will stammer and clam up. The reason they can’t answer is because if they answer they will then be telling you which Protestant sect/church is infallible. The problem with this is that Protestantism denies the doctrine of infallibility. They are in a Catch-22 situation where they can’t tell you who has the secondary doctrines, but they can’t deny that these correct secondary doctrines exist.
The result of this logic error in Protestant theology will result in multiple attempts to deny the logic error exists. You will have them eventually say something silly like “no one has the full and complete Christian faith without error because mankind cannot comprehend God”. The don’t actually believe this because they spend so much time trying to convince Catholics that they are objectively wrong in our doctrines. They can’t point you to who has the secondary doctrines of the Christian faith, but they know for DARN certain that the Catholic Church does NOT have it!
The entirety of Protestantism falls apart like a house of cards once you begin to examine it and test it. They will always end up violating basic rules of logic and reason. They will always end up contradicting the direct and explicit words of Scripture. They will always end up contradicting their own beliefs. You can’t make this up.