This explanation, scripturally, is so full of errors that's its nothing but sad. You have to ignore the spiritual meaning of a lot of words and ignore a lot of scripture to arrive at your conclusions. And you have to employ a lot of speculation as well. I appreciate your sincerity, but it's not based on the reality of the Holy scriptures.
She's also not accusing anybody of blasphemy based on her fallible interpretations of scripture. Your article assumes much and sources little- scripturally or extra biblically.
I would especially like to bring attention to your claim that Joseph and Mary never had marital relations after Jesus' birth. What would make Jesus so special if all his brothers and sisters were also immaculately conceived? This seems far more blasphemous to me than interpeting 'until' as it is written.
Appealing to Luther et. al without source does NOT make this point any stronger, especially considering the Catholic eagerness to dismiss them for all other purposes. If this is such a "duh" part of tradition that even we lowly protestants should know it, then surely there's SOME writing you could have referenced.
I sincerely hope your article was intended exclusively as an affirmation for people who already hold your [near exact] beliefs, because it was not very persuasive. It did not adequately address contrary beliefs (unless you know nothing about sheep) and often came across as outright dismissive.
Edited to change 'He' to 'She' after reading OC's username.
#5, needs a “not”
“No, Mary was a single or unwed mother.“
I’m seeing this thanks to:
This explanation, scripturally, is so full of errors that's its nothing but sad. You have to ignore the spiritual meaning of a lot of words and ignore a lot of scripture to arrive at your conclusions. And you have to employ a lot of speculation as well. I appreciate your sincerity, but it's not based on the reality of the Holy scriptures.
Well that's certainly your opinion.
Is your interpretation of Scripture infallible? I don't think so.
She's also not accusing anybody of blasphemy based on her fallible interpretations of scripture. Your article assumes much and sources little- scripturally or extra biblically.
I would especially like to bring attention to your claim that Joseph and Mary never had marital relations after Jesus' birth. What would make Jesus so special if all his brothers and sisters were also immaculately conceived? This seems far more blasphemous to me than interpeting 'until' as it is written.
Appealing to Luther et. al without source does NOT make this point any stronger, especially considering the Catholic eagerness to dismiss them for all other purposes. If this is such a "duh" part of tradition that even we lowly protestants should know it, then surely there's SOME writing you could have referenced.
I sincerely hope your article was intended exclusively as an affirmation for people who already hold your [near exact] beliefs, because it was not very persuasive. It did not adequately address contrary beliefs (unless you know nothing about sheep) and often came across as outright dismissive.
Edited to change 'He' to 'She' after reading OC's username.
If Mary was sinless then why did she need a savior?
Mary's Song of Praise
Luke 1:47 "and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior"
Jesus was the only one without sin. Salvation is through Him alone.
God can and often does save us before we sin. God saved Mary before she was touched by sin.
Jude 24 Now to him who is able to keep you from falling, and to make you stand without blemish in the presence of his glory with rejoicing,